

顯示從 4月, 2022 起發佈的文章

《拜登公开他与习近平的谈话内容》2022/4/26 —— 拜登在此前结束的民主党全国委员筹款会上,用了很大的篇幅,讨论了他与习近平的过往和谈话内容。 (以下全文截取自拜登原稿)

《拜登公开他与习近平的谈话内容》2022/4/26 拜登在此前结束的民主党全国委员筹款会上,用了很大的篇幅,讨论了他与习近平的过往和谈话内容。以此来...的担忧。 (以下全文截取自白宫发布拜登原稿) https://twitter.com/KooPeben/status/1518964973950898176?s=20&t=SsVQvnWAy02cYIn6IxuikA   THE PRESIDENT:  First of all, every time I’m here, I don’t want to go home, Jay.  (Laughter.)  My Lord.  Look, first of all, Mary, Spencer, and Brad and Kathy, thank you.  Thank you for hosting me.  And almost every one of you has — or part of the reason why I’m standing here in the first place as the President of the United States — you’ve all been an enormous help. And the thing I want to mention is that, in all the help you give me, not one of you have ever called and asked for a favor.  I mean that sincerely.  Think about that.  Not one of you have ever called and said, “Now you’re President.  Can I get boom, boom, boom?”  Not one. And the way you do it with such honor, integrity.  And so many of the philanthropies that some of you run — always doing this good, decent work for people. You kn


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